If you want to stop unwanted sales or marketing phone calls, contact the Telephone Preference Service at:

Telephone Preference Service (TPS)
DMA House
70 Margaret Street

Tel   020 7291 3320
E-mail  tps@dma.org.uk (use this to de-register)
Website  www.tpsonline.org.uk/tps/index.html

BT Call Protect

Easy to sign up to, by simply calling 0800 328 1572 or going online – the links are below. You can also easily sign up for someone else’s phone.

All you do is say which number you want to install the service on.

Background information.
BT Call Protect sign up.
BT ‘How to’.

Saying ‘no’ to 0870 numbers – and other phone things

If you don’t like ringing non-geographical alternative telephone numbers – because they often cost more to ring than normal land line numbers – the Say no to 0870 numbers site lists many well known companies and their equivalent geographical numbers, with alternatives for 0800, 0808, 0844, 0845, 0870 and 0871 numbers.

There’s lots of information about phone call costs on the website – this link to Google search is a good starting place.

Stopping unwanted faxes

To reduce the number of unsolicited faxes you receive, contact the Facsimile Preference Service on:

Facsimile Preference Service (FPS)
DMA House
70 Margaret Street

Tel   020 7291 3330
E-mail  fps@dma.org.uk (use this to de-register)
Website  www.fpsonline.org.uk

Page checked / updated 20th March 2019.