Local information about living in Hatley

East Hatley and Hatley St George are undeniably nice places to live in. The two villages have their own characteristics – and loyalties.

The purpose of this section is to give you quick access to all the ‘background stuff’ about living in Hatley which we need to know from time to time or if you’re a new-comer to Hatley.

It’s pretty obvious from most of the headings above what they are about – Local info, eating out and services, though, covers:

  • Medical facilities.
  • Police
  • Schools
  • Utilities (electricity and water).
  • Vets.
  • Where to eat locally – a few ideas.

For details of church services (and much else, church-wise), please go to our churches section.

Page created 11th July 2018; updated 26th July 2024.