Report and pictures by Peter Mann**

18 people attended the first service in St Denis’ East Hatley for 52 years on the evening of 7th September 2011, when Ian Parker led a very simple and peaceful Taizé service dedicated to trust, peace and reconciliation.


St Denis was closed for worship in 1959, the building emptied of its contents and allowed to decay. Although the churchyard remains consecrated (the most recent burial was in June 2019), it always seemed highly unlikely the church would ever be used for worship again. Indeed, by 2002, the building was in a very poor state and completely covered in ivy.

However, because it is Grade II* listed, South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC), the owners of the building between 1985 and 2016, could not allow it to become a ruin – and thanks to a generous contribution from English Heritage, together with funding from SCDC and Hatley Parish Council, the ivy was removed, the roof retiled, other structural work done and the building made into a safe shell, albeit with much of the floor missing. (NB This was before the church was given to the Friends of Friendless Churches in 2016.)

What is a Taizé service?

Taizé is a village in south west France where a community of brothers (monks) set up after World War II.

Hundreds of thousands of people from all over Europe and beyond spend time there (usually camping) every year. It hit the headlines a few years ago when the brother who founded the community and led it for over 50 years was murdered during a service.

They have a particular style of worship, based on music – singing very simple, but beautiful, repetitive chants – and periods of silence.

The St Denis’ Taizé service

St Denis' church East Hatley, Cambridgeshire – the Taizé service on 7th September 2011. The candle lit event was led by Ian parker (standing) and was the first service to be held in St Denis, East Hatley, since the church was closed in 1959. Among the 18 worshippers was The Reverend Steven Rothwell (back row, right), then the vicar of St Mary's Gamlingay. St Denis' wonderful acoustic was rediscovered during the service.

The Taizé service on 7th September 2011. The candle lit event was led by Ian parker (standing) and was the first service to be held in St Denis’ since the church was closed in 1959.

The idea for a Taizé service at St Denis’ was suggested by Ian Parker after a similar service at Hatley St George church earlier in 2011, with the intention for it to be held in the churchyard.

“Our half-hour service,” said Ian, “usually consists of a couple of readings, three or four songs, a short silence then a longer one. We usually have lots of candles as well – however not quite sure yet how we will manage that outdoors at Hatley!”

At a pre-service meeting to look round the churchyard, Ian and Philippa Pearson were given a peek inside the empty church and it was felt that there was sufficient floor space to accommodate about 15 people; SCDC readily granted permission and chairs and candles were brought from St Mary’s in Gamlingay.

With Ian leading the service, and also playing the flute, and Philippa singing two solos, a unique event was created in the tradition of a Taizé service based on music – singing very simple, repetitive, chants and periods of silence… perhaps not complete silence, for the sound of a distant tractor and occasional small plane could be heard; doubtless in spring, the blackbirds, robins and thrushes would be at full cry too, but none of it spoilt the occasion.

Jan Cooper added to this with a beautiful reading from 1 Corinthians 12:12-27: Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body”

Thanks Ian

Our thanks to Ian, who is a lay member of St Mary’s in Gamlingay, and Philippa Pearson for organising the event and everyone else who contributed to a very simple and memorable occasion.

Ian, who says he likes organising Taizé services, also kindly provided the background information about how the Taizé service came into being.

What of the future for St Denis?

St Denis' church East Hatley, Cambridgeshire – after the Taizé service on 7th September 2011, everyone gathered outside for a glass of wine. It the first service to be held in St Denis, East Hatley, since the church was closed in 1959.

After the service everyone gathered outside to reflect on an unusual church event with a glass of wine – and ponder the future of St Denis’.

While St Denis is no longer consecrated, outside and inside it looks and feels like a church – but until the Taizé service, one thing no one had experienced for over 50 years was its wonderful acoustic.

In the eyes of SCDC, St Denis was a problem, for without electricity or water or a vehicular entrance and set in a consecrated churchyard, what could be done with it?

As a Grade II* building, it cannot be demolished or allowed to fall into disrepair again.

One suggestion in 2011 was to go back to English Heritage and ask for help with funding to repair the floor and complete work to the windows and other essential items – then give it back to Ely in order for it to be re-consecrated and used again from time to time for worship, for St Denis’ deserved a second chance rather than being laid to waste.

Nothing came of that idea, but in 2013 SCDC opened talks with The Friends of Friendless Churches, and although it took another three years of legal toing and froing, thankfully ownership passed to the FOFC – which has invested in a new floor and windows (pictured in our photo gallery) and thanks to the government’s Culture Recovery Fund, has (in 2021 and 2022) been able to restore the chancel and sanctuary.

Visiting St Denis’ church, East Hatley

St Denis’ is open every day from around 8.30 am to dusk for anyone to look round, for quiet contemplation and for events – the space is ideal for an exhibition: if you would like to use the space, please contact keyholder Peter Mann:

The address is

St Denis’ church
East Hatley
SG19 3JA

Grid reference

TL  28522 50513
Easting  528522
Northing  250513
Latitude  52.137977
Longitude  -0.123484
Grid reference link

Plus code  4VQG+5H Sandy

What three words  slightly.beanbag.pins

Website  St Denis’ church

There’s also…

**First published on the original Hatley website, September 2011; updated for this site, 4th January 2025.