If you want to reduce the amount of post you receive…

  • Stop unsolicited direct mail.
  • Stop mail to a previous occupier at your current address.
  • Register your previous address.
  • Register details of someone who has died….

You can register for free with the Mailing Preference Service by writing, phoning or – for preference – registering on the MPS website:

Mailing Preference Service
Freepost 29 LON 20771

The complaints page of the MPS website says ‘Using the Freepost address will delay a response’, so here’s their street address:

Mail Preference Service
DMA House
70 Margaret Street

Tel  0207 291 3310
E-mail  mps@dma.org.uk (use this to de-register)
Website – the ‘useful links’ page  www.mpsonline.org.uk/consumer/links

NB  Local experience of using this service suggests it may take a while for ‘stops’ to be activated.

Stopping the bumf delivered by Royal Mail

To opt out of receiving unaddressed items delivered by Royal Mail, complete their Door to Door Opt Outs form and send it to:

Door to Door Opt Outs
Royal Mail Customer Services
PO Box 740

Tel  0345 2660 858
E-mail  optout@royalmail.com
Website  www.royalmail.com

NB  Royal Mail says it can take six weeks of receiving your completed form before ‘Door to Door’ mail items stop arriving. Your opt out will last for a period of two years when you’ll need to re-register if you wish to continue opting out of Door to Door deliveries.

Page checked / updated 14th November 2019.